Fun Outdoor Games for Kids at the Beach

Fun Outdoor Games for Kids at the Beach

Nothing is more fun than taking your kids to the beach for a day of sun and sand—but what do you do once you get there?

Sure, swimming is always a great option, but if you're looking for something a little different, why not try one of these outdoor games for kids? They're sure to keep your little ones entertained all day long!

Beach Bowling.

Grab some plastic bottles or buckets and fill them with sand. You can even decorate them with seashells or paint if you want! Line them up along the shore and have your children take turns rolling a large ball or beach ball at them. The first person who knocks all the pins over wins!

Sand Art.

All you need are some buckets, shovels, and shells to make this fun game. Each player starts out by digging a hole in the sand. Then they can use their shells (or other beach items) to create art in their hole. When everyone's done creating their masterpiece, it's time to guess which work of art belongs to which player!

Beach Volleyball.

This classic game never gets old! All you need is a net and a few balls. Divide your players into teams and let the games begin! Beach volleyball is great because it combines physical activity with teamwork—and it's always fun to play in the sand.

Beach Scavenger Hunt.

This is an easy game that requires no props or preparation beforehand. Simply make a list of things that can be found on the beach (e.g., seashells, crabs, driftwood) and have each team race around trying to find as many items on the list as possible before time runs out!

Sandcastle Building.

This classic beach activity is always fun and entertaining. Kids love building sandcastles, and they can be as simple or as elaborate as you want them to be. Have a competition to see who can build the tallest castle or most detailed structure. You can also add in challenges like making an obstacle course around the castle or having each person create a unique design element.

Boogie Board Races.

Break out those boogie boards (or grab some from your local beach rental shop) for some friendly competition! Have your kiddos race down the shoreline toward an agreed-upon finish line and see who makes it first (without wiping out!). You can also make things more interesting by adding obstacles like logs or other objects along the way—just make sure they’re safe to go over! 

No matter what kind of outdoor games you decide to play on the beach with your kids, just remember that having fun together is what matters most! As long as everyone is participating and enjoying themselves, any game will be sure to be successful. So grab your sunscreen and head out for an unforgettable day at the beach with your family!

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